Project Output
Rittberg, C.J., to appear. Justified epistemic exclusion in mathematics. Philosophia Mathematica
Hunsicker, E., Rittberg, C.J., 2022. On the epistemological relevance of social power and justice in mathematics. Axiomathes. (available here)
Rittberg, C.J., 2022. A Hippocratic Oath for Mathematicians?. Philosophia. (available here)
Rittberg, C.J., 2020. Virtues and Vices in Mathematics. The Reasoner, 14(6): 38. (available here)
Other Relevant Publications
Rittberg, C.J., 2021. Intellectual Humility in Mathematics. Synthese. (available here)
Virtue Theory of Mathematical Practices. 2020. Synthese Topical Collection, guest edited by Aberdein, A., Rittberg, C. J., Tanswell, F. S. (available here)
Rittberg, C.J., Tanswell, F.S., Van Bendegem, J.P. 2020. Epistemic injustice in mathematics. Synthese 197, 3875–3904. (published here and available here)
Tanswell, F.S., Rittberg, C.J. 2020. Epistemic injustice in mathematics education. ZDM Mathematics Education 52, 1199–1210. (available here)